Photo safari in Seattle

I had the opportunity to pay a short visit to Seattle during May 2018, in connection with a business trip. Here are a couple of photographs I managed to capture during that one-day photo safari.

All photos but one was taken with a Sony A7 II camera, using a Sony FE 28mm/f2 lens. Contact me if you want a higher resolution version or a print!

A school trip to the Seattle pier

Below Pike Place market

The original Starbucks at Pike Place market, opened in 1971

Seattle's most famous(?) landmark, the Space Needle. Currently being renovated

Two taxis

Waiting to cross


Colorful clothing

Hey look, a Volvo!

Garage entrance

Back alley

Back alley graffiti

Another back alley

Confident step

Colorful night

Bus window reflections

Pike Place market during nightfall

A truck by the Seattle Aquarium

The Seattle Great Wheel. Managed to capture it when it spun, in a 15-second exposure. Best photo of the trip!

Sloping parking garage

A colleague of mine, Lars Lindgren, got some more photos well worth checking out.